We are true believers in this amazing plant and would like to help others get the fresh leaves, not pills from powder or tablets but fresh Graviola leaves that we believe give better results. That's why we made this web-site.


If you have cancer or would just like to maintain good health and possibly decrease your chances of getting cancer, drink Graviola tea.


We will mail you approximately 500 Graviola leaves (thats about how many I can stuff in a large manilla envelope). Leaves picked right from wild living trees for only $30.00. Fresh Graviola leaves will be mailed via US Mail and the $30 includes the *shipping.


 *If shipping outside the United States, please select the "Outside USA shipping" column.



Image description


Approx. 500 Graviola Leaves free USA shipping included

Approx. 500 Graviola Leaves free USA shipping included


USA orders include free 1st Class shipping. 

(USA orders of 3 or more packages

include free Priority Mail shipping)


Approx. 500 Graviola Leaves worldwide shipping included

Approx. 500 Graviola Leaves worldwide shipping included


Outside USA orders include

free First Class shipping

We are now sending these leaves to my daughter in Florida for faster shipping which means your order will be shipped out the following day.

If you have cancer and are not able to pay, Please, email me.

Kary Gould

British Virgin Islands, BWI

321-421-0770 skype
I am currently travelling throughout the Caribbean and due to limited internet I am sometimes unable to receive calls. In the mean time, please email me.
